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It's all about whimsy, art and Halloween!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Crazy Aunt Candy Wants YOU!

The Cool2Craft Creative Play Theme for This month is "What's Your Word?" What are your plans for next year? What do you want to attract, practice and create in your life? Spoiler alert!!! In January I'll be asking you to send me a photo of a "crown" that represents your word for the new year. It could be a real crown, a drawing/painting/sculpture or other any other representation of the "crown" you'll be donning for 2012!

When I'm in my studio, I feel like a mad scientist.  To my family, I'm crazy Aunt Candy toiling away long into the night!  Sounds of hammering, the roar of my heat tool, inspired shrieks and maniacal laughter waft upstairs.  I am in my element.
When I'm upstairs in the "real" world, I'm less at ease - shy and quiet actually.  That's why my word for 2012 is HARMONY!  I crave more than balance; I crave harmonious integration!  I want to be graceful in social situations.  I want to sing myself into BEING!
I hope you'll join me in this journey and declare your intentions for the coming year!  Email me so I can post your declaration!

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